
Monday, January 10, 2011

Forgotten, Chapter 1: Invitation.

“Where am I…”
Pain gushes through his body as he regains consciousness. Light piercing through his eye-lids, he slowly opens his eyes. At first blurry, he makes out the figure of a young lady and an older man watching over him.
“Who… are you?” he mutters.
“I am Raiga and this is my dad,” the young girl replied in a soft spoken voice.
“Are you feeling any better? We found you over at the beach two days ago. You’ve been out cold ever since. Do you remember anything,” Raiga’s dad asked.
Do you remember anything… Those words echoed in the young boys head. He could not remember anything. Neither his name nor his past.
“Who… am I?” he silently asks.
“We were hoping you could answer some questions, but it looks like your memory isn’t as it should be. You must’ve hit your head pretty hard,” Raiga’s dad answered.
As Raiga pulled a red sport’s bag from under a table beside the futon the young boy slept on, she said
“This was with you when we found you. We haven’t opened it yet, so please feel free to look through it. You might remember something. We’ll leave you for now, please rest as much as possible. You shouldn’t be moving about just yet.”
The young boy nodded in agreement as he unzipped the bag and watched as Raiga and her father walked out the room, closing the door behind them.
A wallet, maybe it might have something to identify myself with. Those were his thoughts as he opened the wallet found in his bag.
Crimlon Jeanus… That must be my name. Date of birth, 1911. This doesn’t tell me how old I am. It just proves I was born. At least I have a name now. Crimlon Jeanus, it sounds familiar. It must be my name. I think I’ll just rest for now. I’ll see what I can find out in the morning.
As the shadow crept up behind the curtains, the floor creaked with every step it took. Firmly grasping the curtains and viciously prying them open, Raiga announced
“Good Morning! It’s 11 am, time to wake up. I made some breakfast for you, so hurry up and get ready.”
“Uhh… It’s still 10:47 am. I’ll get up when it’s exactly 11.” Crimlon silently mutters as he turns his head away from the light.
How did I know the exact time? I just felt it. Is there a clock nearby? Have I checked the time already?
“Oh ho ho. Your very familiar with the time it is despite not having a clock in your room. That’s pretty cool!”
As Raiga walked towards Crimlon’s bed, kneeling down to gently shake him awake, she continued;
“Anyway, you should wake up and get ready. We should probably talk things over. Have you remembered anything yet?”
“Yes. It seems that my name is Crimlon Jeanus, born in 1911. But that’s all I could find out. I only had a wallet with a single paper in it. There were no other contents within that  bag.”
“So, I’ll wait outside with my dad. Don’t make us wait too long now,” Raiga said with a smile as she left the room.
Time to get up I guess. I’ll go talk to them and see what I can find out. I might remember something.
As Crimlon opened the door, he saw both Raiga and her dad sitting at a table. A meal was ready, and they signaled him to come over. He couldn’t refuse. He was hungry. Being comatose for two days must have really drained his energy.
“Come, join us. Raiga prepared this food especially for our guest today! You being the guest, better be grateful.” Raiga’s dad said as he laughed.
“Thank you for your hospitality, don’t mind if I eat.”
Sitting along with the small family, Crimlon devoured his meal. He enjoyed it, but silently. He avoided distracting them and kept his table manners. He did not want to impose on the two who saved his life any more than he already has. Accepting their kindness was one way of accepting them.
After the meal, Raiga picked up the plates and took them to the kitchen. She brought back some tea with her. Placing three cups on the table, she continued to pour tea for each member at the dinner table.
“So, Crimlon, what’s this about being born 89 years ago.” Raiga’s dad asked.
“89 years ago? So… it’s the year 2000 now? That doesn’t make sense. That document must have not belonged to me.” Crimlon answered with a surprised expression on his face.
At that moment, Crimlon noticed that the Clock on the wall had both hands pointing at 12:00. And the digital clock was reading 88:88. Something is definitely wrong here. What is with the time? He thought to himself.
“I have to ask, but I noticed that your clocks are not working properly. Is something wrong with them.” He asked.
“What do you mean? They are working just fine. Both show that its 11:44 right now,” Raiga replied.
11:44. I know that’s the time right now. But why can’t I see that on the clocks.
“Uhm, sorry ignore that comment just now. I don’t think I’ve fully recovered yet.” Crimlon answered in an attempt to change the subject from the time to his health.
“Well, dad and I are going to go shopping today. Why don’t you join us? The fresh air will do your body good. Maybe you’ll remember something.”
“I think I’ll accept your offer. When shall we leave.”
“Right away!”
Raiga smiled as the three got up and left the house.
As they left the house, Crimlon looked back and saw what a small house it was. It had only 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and a wide hallway being used as a living room. He felt that he had greatly imposed on the small family. For a moment he cursed his existence.
There are exactly 41 buildings in this village. 11 are shops. 24 are residential and the remaining are abandoned. Why do I know this? Have I been here before? Am I really 89 years old? Why do I know what time it is? Why can’t I see the time properly? Am I really Crimlon Jeanus. I should not dwell over this. Time heals all wounds. I am sure that I will find out soon enough.
“Hey, stop spacing out. Come on, Raiga’s gonna leave us behind.” Said Raiga’s dad as he grabed Crimlons arm and pulled him forwards.
Crimlon noticed that they were at a small road, littered with stalls. 11 stalls all attached to slightly larger buildings. These were the 11 shops. He did not recognize them, but he knew what each one was for.
“I’ll go buy the vegetables we need. Dad you wait here with Crimlon.”
Raiga ran off to one of the stalls as she left her father with Crimlon.
“So, have you remembered anything? Do you know anyone here?”
“Well, I cannot say that I have. I know about this place, yet at the same time I know I’ve never actually been here.”
“So you don’t have anywhere to go then do you. How about this, while you try to remember you can stay over with me and Raiga. We’d love to have you over.”
An invitation to live with them… why do they care so much? Do they know me? Maybe I am thinking about this too much. I’ll just accept their invitation since I have nowhere else to go… for now.
“I’ll gladly accept. Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I will not be troubling you. If at any moment I become a burden, please allow me to take my leave. I do not wish to further impose on you, but denying your kindness is the same as denying you. “
I guess this will be my temporary home for now. I should really be thankful.
An invitation… Such a warm gesture, it seems to ease the pain I’ve been feeling since I woke up.